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(310) 736-1371
The Easy, EBEWE Benchmaking Tool™
Automated Benchmark Compliance... in 30 minutes or less!
Submit Benchmark Docs:
LADWP & SoCal Gas Authorization Forms + Proof of Ownership
Anchor 1
Anchor 2
3 Easy Steps, then you're DONE:
​Expected Time to Complete: 30 minutes
Step 1) Download & Sign Authorization Forms
Step 2) Submit Authorization Forms & Proof of Building Ownership
Step 3) Buy Benchmark Credits After We Verify That Your Building(s) Need to Comply with EBEWE
(click here to see Benchmark Pricing & Guarantees »)
Done. Your benchmark(s) will be finished behind the scenes, and you can take that vacation...
... because, We Take Care of Everything For You:
Create your Portfolio Manager Account
Register your building with LA Department of Building and Safety
Obtain Energy & Water Use Data from LADWP & SoCal Gas
Complete & Submit Benchmark to LADBS on your behalf.

If you have any questions, just give us a call or email any time! – (800) 585-2690 |
- The Vert Energy Group Team. ​

Step 1) Download Both Authorization Forms
This is used to obtain a 12-Month History of Electric, Gas & Water Bills on Your Behalf

Select Total # of Gas Accounts:
(including Tenant AND Landlord accounts)
Select Total # of Electric Accounts:
(including Tenant AND Landlord accounts)
Tip: Save PDF to computer to e-sign forms!
What Happens Next?
You're done, so it's time to relax... you deserve it!
You'll be notified once your buildings are in compliance.
Meanwhile... We'll take care of everything behind the scenes for you:

Step 1) Determine if your building(s) needs to comply (in City of L.A. limits? Over minimum sq.ft.?)
Step 2) Determine which Building I.D.’s need to be Benchmarked or don't have to comply
Step 3) Create an LADBS Account + Register each Building I.D.
Step 4) Create a Portfolio Manager Account + Set up each property
Step 5) Complete LADWP Authorization Forms + Request 12-24 Months of “Aggregated” Usage
Step 6) Complete SoCal Gas Authorization Forms + Request 12-24 Months of “Aggregated” Usage
Step 7) Add Property Use Details (for each space type) + Energy & Water Usage + Building I.D.(s)
Step 8) Run Data Quality Check + Finalize Benchmarking Reports
Step 9) Pay LADBS Registration Fee + Submit Benchmark Reports
Step 10) Prepare a "Portfolio Efficiency Assessment Report" + Review Savings Opportunities Identified

Anchor 3
Step 3) Buy 1 Benchmark Credit per Building
(Required Before Your Reports Can Be Submitted to LADBS)
Pay Online: (or click here to request an invoice)

+ Penalty Protection Guarantee (must be started 60+ days before deadline)
+ Price-Match (PLUS $27 OFF) Guarantee
+ 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
Refer a Friend and Get a $75 Amazon Gift Card:
You will receive your Referral Gift once your referral signs up for Benchmarking with us.

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